Nisschal Zaveri


5 reasons why ghazals are so popular in India

Ghazals are a popular form of Indian classical music that originated in the Indian subcontinent during the medieval period, with its origin in Persia. Indian musicians added music to the poetic phrases and made ghazals more beautiful and soothing to audiences’ ears. The themes of ghazals may include love, romance, friendship, and good luck. The melodious music and songs with meaningful phrases stir the heart of audiences.

With varied notes and shers reflecting the intricacies of life, ghazals create an instant connection with people in live events. It is not difficult to see why people in the Indian subcontinent loved to hear ghazals for centuries. Let us look at 5 reasons why ghazals are popular in India:

1. Melidious and Soulful: Ghazal songs are more melodious and soulful to listeners than other types of music. The slow-paced, emotive tunes and poetic lyrics create an immersive and relaxing experience for listeners. The classical ragas make songs timeless and elegant to audiences. Moreover, the soulful songs are made on the themes of love, separation and longing to name a few of them. These topics create an emotional connection and make songs relatable and impactful to listeners.

2. Cultural significance: Ghazal songs are an integral part of the rich cultural glory and pride of India. Indian classical music and songs have evolved into a distinct genre with immense popularity among audiences. Many renowned artists have popularized the genre by performing live ghazal events leading to wider acceptance and appreciation from the public.

3. Versatility: Ghazals are versatile and people from all walks of life hear them. Classical songs are played at social gatherings such as weddings, receptions and other social events. Ghazals are also played in intimate settings where soulful melodies and emotive lyrics create a romantic atmosphere. In other words, they are an integral part of the social fabric of India.

4. Expression of love and romance: Ghazal songs often depict love, romance and heartbreaks. Classical songs are full of emotions to resonate with listeners. That is why they are often used to express feeling to their partners in romantic relationships.

5. Musical skills: Artists require extensive training to develop musical skills to perform ghazals on stage. For instance, Nisschal Zaveri is a ghazals and thumris singer with an in-depth understanding of classical music and a mesmerizing voice to deliver perfect melodies in performance. The trained classical singers reflect intricate compositions and improvisations to make songs impressive and enjoyable to the audience.

A trained Indian classical singer performs ghazal with his band

Want to make your cultural events more colourful and exciting? A ghazal mehfil can uplift the spirit and enjoyment level of audiences at the event. Nisschal Zaveri is a trained Indian classical singer who performs at ghazal events in public and private settings. The classical ghazal band in India perform beautiful ghazals on stage to mesmerize the audience. They aim to revive the popularity of traditional music and songs across the country. They compose original music and songs with emotive shers to connect with the audience immediately. Contact them to hire the band for a ghazal event in your event.